torsdag 5. februar 2009

Who said 14 year olds were mean?

I had the most amazing day today (and it`s just 1.30!)!

My supervisor was visiting and evaluating me as a teacher,
and my class (that`s usually loud and unfocused) were SO nice..everyone were quiet and listened to me, and the whole session went so smoothly.

One guy even whispered to me:
hey, if you need to look god in front of your supervisor you can yell at me any time you want.

Isn`t that the cutest thing you`ve EVER heard?
My cold teacher heart melted at that point!

After the assessment my supervisor even took me and Lloyd out for lunch, to TGI Friday`s and payed for a delishious meal.
Now, it just doesn`t get any better than that!

Tonight I`m going out for dinner again with some friends and then to a Madeline Albright event.

This is a great day! :)

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